Summer has finally arrived. All of us need a break and spend at least a week away from the city and work. As announced in my newsletter before, in July and August it will take a while to get an answer for your support or updates queries. However, the laptop is always with me and I will never leave you alone:)
A new Hisingen version 3.7 has been just released. The demo and further information can be found here
Small changes also for other templates such as Agen, Horten and Gotland themes
From the section "shortcodes" you might notice new widgets and new styles for the slideshow, quote teaser and color picker. All details you will find in page "updates" following the detailed tutorials.
You might also find:
You could do it before only with custom elements using th helper classes only-mobile or only-desktop
Now, you can display/hide a single Jimdo module! The new options are:
bg-primary | |
bg-primary-light | |
bg-primary-dark | |
bg-secondary | |
bg-secondary-dark |
body | |
top-header | |
top-header-inner | |
header | |
header-inner | |
navigation-inner | |
navigation color | |
dropdown background color | |
content |
background | |
text color | |
link color | |
horizontal line |
style 1 | |
style 2 | |
style 3 | |
text color |
background color | |
navigation color |
social icons | |
top header border | |
header border | |
nav inner border |
Template configurations | |
Top header inner | |
Header inner | |
Navigation inner | |
Navigation styles | |
snip-nav --line01 | |
Sub-menu (breadcrumbs) styles | |
size-15 | |
Mobile Navigation styles | |
size-30 | |
Content styles | |
form-white | |
Footer styles | |
o-form color-white | |
Footer background image | |
Typography |
Heading H1 | |
weight-400 | |
Heading H2 | |
weight-400 | |
Heading H3 | |
weight-400 | |
Buttons | |
weight-400 | |
Advanced settings | |
Custom CSS | |
#cc-inner .my-class { color:#f0f0f0; }
Write a comment
Peter Scheerer (Tuesday, 12 July 2016 08:05)
Hi Serhiy,
good to hear from you - all the best your holidays.
Ciao, Peter