Find out the latest social media icons used in Matrix Themes and all options for the customization.
The color link is the same as you set up global link in Font settings, but you can change it using the following helper classes:
The additional styles have been added in August 2019, so you can update the CSS using the section 'updates'
<div class="hs-social new-social text-left link-white size-11 is-circle-solid is-rounded">
<div class="hs-social is--flex new-social text-left link-dark size-11 is-circle-border">
<div class="hs-social is--flex new-social is-mid-rounded text-left link-dark size-11 is-circle-border">
<div class="hs-social is--flex new-social is-rounded left-align link-dark size-11 is-circle-border">
You can also use your brand color with the following helper classes: