The updated list of jQuery plugins and third-party services of 2021 to display an Instagram feed to your website
The Instagram feed plugin has been deprecated. At the moment you can use only the official API based plugin
A super easy way to add an Instagram feed to your website without Instagram API.
This plugin can be found in Matrix Themes admin menu > Enterprise package and available with two styles: default and full-width.
<!-- style 1 -->
<script src=""></script>
<div id="instagram-feed" class="instagram_feed cc-clearover">
/* <![CDATA[ */
$(window).on('load', function(){
'username': 'unsplash',
'container': "#instagram-feed",
'display_profile': false,
'display_biography': false,
'display_gallery': true,
'display_captions': true,
'callback': null,
'styling': true,
'items': 8,
'items_per_row': 4,
'margin': 1,
'lazy_load': true,
'on_error': console.error
All you have to do is to add your own Instagram username (or tag).
The additional options are items (max 12), items_per_row and margin (0 or 1)
The alternative way to display your Instagram Feed are third-party apps that can facilitate your work. Here are the most popular services:
The most popular external Instagram feed provider for Jimdo.
The detailed documentation is available here:
Clean and easy-to-use app with user-friendly feed editor and neat dashboard
A responsive widget for Instagram. You can embed our widgets on your website, blog, online store etc. This is one-time purchase widget like an activation fee (10$). No monthly/yearly payments:)
Instafeed.js is a simple way to display your Instagram photos on your website. This plugin has been already used in Matrix Themes and now it's available with the latest version 2.
Official documentation:
1. Facebook app and test user setup
To authorize Instafeed.js to fetch your media you'll need to create a Facebook app, and add your Instagram user account as a test user:
You can generate a Token simply by using Instant Tokens ( and logging with the your Instagram account.
2. Adding Instafeed.js to your web page
The next steps assume:
Style 1 ( 2 rows, 6 images )
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function($) {
// Init
$(document).ready(function() {
var feed = new Instafeed({
accessToken: 'Your instagram token goes here',
limit: 6,
template: '<div class="instamatrix col-4 add-5 cc-box" style="display:inline-block;"><a href="{{model.user.username}}" target="_blank">{{model.user.username}}<\/a><a href="{{link}}" title="{{caption}}" target="_blank"><img src="{{image}}" alt="{{caption}}" class="w-100"/><\/a><\/div>'
<div id="instafeed" class="col-12">
Style 2 ( 1 row, full width )
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function($) {
// Init
$(document).ready(function() {
var feed = new Instafeed({
accessToken: 'Your instagram token goes here',
limit: 4,
template: '<div class="instamatrix w-100"><a href="{{model.user.username}}" target="_blank">{{model.user.username}}<\/a><a href="{{link}}" title="{{caption}}" target="_blank"><img src="{{image}}" alt="{{caption}}" class="w-100"/><\/a><\/div>'
<div id="instafeed" class="is--flex is-flex-block no-padding is-fullwidth is-matrix-block">
If you're using one of the above plugins or know any other plugins or service to display an Instagram feed, please share your experience here:)
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