Blockquote Widget
What people say about us
( Quote style 1 )
<!-- *** Matrix Add-ons blockquote *** -->
<div class="is-matrix cc-clearover">
<div class="col-6">
<div class="fa fa-quote-left fa-4x absolute-top-left" style="top:-10px;opacity:0.2;font-size:50px;">
<span style="font-size:25px;">Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference</span>
<p class="weight-500 size-11 add-top-5">
( Quote style 1 )
<!-- *** Matrix Add-ons blockquote *** -->
<div class="is-matrix content-teaser bg-primary color-white is--flex is-flex-block cc-clearover">
<div class="left-align col-12 add-20 cc-box">
<div class="fa fa-quote-left fa-5x" style="margin-top:-30px;opacity:0.6;">
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference
<p class="add-top-10 size-13">
- Quote ( Style 3 )
(Style 4)
<!-- *** Matrix Add-ons blockquote *** -->
<div class="is-matrix bg-grey">
<div class="hs-left-50 col-12">
<div class="hs-right-50 col-12 pull-top-50">
<div class="gutter-20 clearover">
<div class="center-align">
<div class="fa fa-quote-left fa-4x rel" style="color:#888;">
<span style="font-size:19px;">Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference Sed porttitor lectus nibh</span>
<p class="add-top-10">
(Style 4)
(Quote 5)
<!-- *** Matrix Add-ons blockquote *** -->
<div class="is-matrix bg-transparent">
<div class="col-6">
<div class="image_wrapper resp-img" style="max-width:120px;">
<img style="margin-top:-10px; border-radius:500px;" src="https://u.jimcdn.com/cms/o/sdc1e1935163480b6/userlayout/img/500x500.jpg?t=1568284490" alt="" />
<div class="hs-right-50 col-12 pull-top-50">
<div class="gutter-20 clearover">
<!-- ************** Quote teaser ************** -->
<div class="fa fa-quote-left fa-4x rel center-align" style="opacity:0.6;">
<span style="font-size:19px;">Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference</span>
<p class="add-top-10">
(Quote 5)
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(Quote 6)
(Quote 7)
<!-- *** Matrix Add-ons blockquote *** -->
<div class="is-matrix bg-primary color-white mid-round">
<div class="col-6">
<div class="image_wrapper resp-img" style="max-width:120px;">
<img style="margin-top:-10px; border-radius:500px;" src="https://u.jimcdn.com/cms/o/sdc1e1935163480b6/userlayout/img/500x500.jpg?t=1568284490" alt="" />
<div class="hs-right-50 col-12 pull-top-50">
<div class="gutter-20 clearover">
<!-- ************** Quote teaser ************** -->
<div class="fa fa-quote-left fa-3x rel center-align" style="opacity:0.8;">
<span style="font-size:19px;">Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference</span>
<p class="add-top-10">
(Quote 7)
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(Quote 8)
(Quote 8)
(Quote 8)
(Quote 8)
<!-- *** Matrix Add-ons blockquote *** -->
<div class="is-matrix bg-primary-dark color-white mid-round">
<div class="col-6">
<div class="image_wrapper resp-img" style="max-width:120px;">
<img style="margin-top:-10px; border-radius:500px;" src="https://u.jimcdn.com/cms/o/sdc1e1935163480b6/userlayout/img/500x500.jpg?t=1568284490" alt="" />
<div class="hs-right-50 col-12 pull-top-50">
<div class="gutter-20 clearover">
<!-- ************** Quote teaser ************** -->
<div class="fa fa-quote-left fa-3x rel center-align" style="opacity:0.8;">
<span style="font-size:19px;">Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference</span>
<p class="add-top-10">
(Quote 8)
<!-- ************** End Quote teaser ************** -->