Easy-to-Use & Customizable
Image Card Widget
<!-- *** Matrix Widget image card *** -->
<figure class="snip1581 color-white">
<img src="https://u.jimcdn.com/cms/o/s572cf8a914c2631f/userlayout/img/matrix-teaser.jpg" alt="matrix themes" />
<h3 class="title3">
In ac felis quis
<a href="https://www.matrix-themes.com/add-ons/"></a>
<!-- *** Matrix Widget image card *** -->
<figure class="snip1581 color-white" style="border-radius:15px;">
<img src="https://u.jimcdn.com/cms/o/s572cf8a914c2631f/userlayout/img/matrix-teaser.jpg" alt="matrix-themes" />
<h3 class="title3">
In ac felis quis
<a href="https://www.matrix-themes.com/add-ons/"></a>
<!-- *** Matrix Widget image card *** -->
<div class="is-matrix hs-thumbnail cc-clearover">
<img src="https://u.jimcdn.com/cms/o/s572cf8a914c2631f/userlayout/img/matrix-teaser.jpg" alt="matrix themes" />
<div class="hs-overlay bg-dark white-solid-border">
<div class="custom-caption left-align color-white link-white" style="bottom:5%; top:auto;width:90%;">
<h3 class="weight-500">
Make it different
<a href="https://www.matrix-themes.com/add-ons/" class="bold-underline size-15 weight-500" style="color:#f1c40f;">Bold underline link</a>
<!-- *** Matrix Widget image card *** -->
<figure class="snip1560" style="">
<img src="https://u.jimcdn.com/cms/o/s572cf8a914c2631f/userlayout/img/matrix-teaser.jpg" alt="matrix themes" />
<h2 class="weight-500 color-white">
Enterprise package
<p class="weight-500" style="color:#f1c40f;">
Shop now
<a class="div-link" href="https://www.matrix-themes.com/add-ons/" target="_top"></a>
<!-- *** Matrix Widget image card *** -->
<figure class="snip1477">
<img src="https://u.jimcdn.com/cms/o/s572cf8a914c2631f/userlayout/img/matrix-teaser.jpg" alt="matrix themes" />
<div class="title">
<h3 class="color-white weight-500">
Matrix Themes
Read more
<a href="https://www.matrix-themes.com/add-ons/"></a>
Click the Matrix Themes admin menu and select the 'Shortcodes' section.
Choose any custom widget using the copy button.
Paste the widget code to your website inside the 'Widget/HTML' module.
Customize it by adding your own text and images.
Make your own website
with built-in tools to grow your business online.