Easy-to-Use & Customizable
Instagram feed widget
Instafeed.js is a simple way to display your Instagram photos on your website. This plugin has been already used in Matrix Themes and now it's available with the latest version 2.
Official documentation:
1. Facebook app and test user setup
To authorize Instafeed.js to fetch your media you'll need to create a Facebook app, and add your Instagram user account as a test user:
Instagram User Access Tokens are valid for 60 days and can be refreshed as long as they are at least 24 hours old but have not expired.
2. Adding Instafeed.js to your web page
The next steps assume:
3. Paste the below code to your website (Widget/HTML) by adding your own Instagram token.
In Matrix Themes admin menu select the Shortcodes section.
Choose a custom widget and click the Copy button.
Paste the widget code into your website using the Widget/HTML module.
Customize the widget by adding your own text and images.
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