The Advanced
Style Editor
Matrix Style editor gives you the creative freedom
to turn your ideas into reality
Select an element you'd like to edit and add your own colors.
Setup the design of all elements of your template
bg-primary | |
bg-primary-light | |
bg-primary-dark | |
bg-secondary | |
bg-secondary-dark |
body | |
top-header | |
top-header-inner | |
header | |
header-inner | |
navigation-inner | |
navigation color | |
dropdown background color | |
content |
background | |
text color | |
link color | |
horizontal line |
style 1 | |
style 2 | |
style 3 | |
text color |
background color | |
navigation color |
social icons | |
top header border | |
header border | |
nav inner border |
Template configurations | |
Top header inner | |
Header inner | |
Navigation inner | |
Navigation styles | |
snip-nav --line01 | |
Sub-menu (breadcrumbs) styles | |
size-15 | |
Mobile Navigation styles | |
size-30 | |
Content styles | |
form-white | |
Footer styles | |
o-form color-white | |
Footer background image | |
Typography |
Heading H1 | |
weight-400 | |
Heading H2 | |
weight-400 | |
Heading H3 | |
weight-400 | |
Buttons | |
weight-400 | |
Advanced settings | |
Custom CSS | |
#cc-inner .my-class { color:#f0f0f0; }