With default Matrix Themes styles and using the helper classes, you have many options to customize your website and widgets. Additionally, you can use inline styles for further customization, for example, in case you need to add a specific value or style. See the example below:
<div class="is-matrix bg-gray add-20" style="background:#bdcf0f1;padding:3px;border-radius:6px;">
Service 01
Nunc egestas, augue at pellentesque laoreet, felis eros vehicula leo, at malesuada velit leo quis pede. In ut quam vitae odio lacinia tincidunt. Quisque malesuada placerat nisl.
Please note that inline styles always override the default styles of Matrix Themes
bg-primary | |
bg-primary-light | |
bg-primary-dark | |
bg-secondary | |
bg-secondary-dark |
body | |
top-header | |
top-header-inner | |
header | |
header-inner | |
navigation-inner | |
navigation color | |
dropdown background color | |
content |
background | |
text color | |
link color | |
horizontal line |
style 1 | |
style 2 | |
style 3 | |
text color |
background color | |
navigation color |
social icons | |
top header border | |
header border | |
nav inner border |
Template configurations | |
Top header inner | |
Header inner | |
Navigation inner | |
Navigation styles | |
snip-nav --line01 | |
Sub-menu (breadcrumbs) styles | |
size-15 | |
Mobile Navigation styles | |
size-30 | |
Content styles | |
form-white | |
Footer styles | |
o-form color-white | |
Footer background image | |
Typography |
Heading H1 | |
weight-400 | |
Heading H2 | |
weight-400 | |
Heading H3 | |
weight-400 | |
Buttons | |
weight-400 | |
Advanced settings | |
Custom CSS | |
#cc-inner .my-class { color:#f0f0f0; }