The helper classes (or utility classes) are custom CSS classes designed to modify the styles of custom widgets and elements. Here's a list of the most commonly used helper classes in Matrix Builder:
01. background colors
bg-transparent | The transparent background color |
bg-primary | The main accent background color |
bg-secondary | The secondary accent background color |
bg-primary-dark | The primary dark background color (footer) |
bg-secondary-dark | The secondary dark background color |
bg-white | White background color |
bg-dark | |
bg-turquoise | |
bg-emerald | |
bg-peter-river | |
bg-amethyst | |
bg-wet-asphalt | |
bg-green-sea | |
bg-nephritis | |
bg-belize-hole | |
bg-wisteria | |
bg-midnight-blue | |
bg-sun-flower | |
bg-carrot | |
bg-alizarin | |
bg-clouds | |
bg-concrete | |
bg-orange | |
bg-pumpkin | |
bg-pomegranate | |
bg-silver | |
bg-asbestos | |
bg-red | |
bg-blue | |
bg-green | |
bg-yellow | |
bg-pink | |
bg-purple | |
bg-amber | |
bg-lime | |
bg-brown | |
bg-teal | |
bg-cyan | |
bg-gray | |
bg-gradient-1 | The background gradient style 1 |
bg-gradient-2 | The background gradient style 2 |
bg-gradient-3 | The background gradient style 3 |
02. text color and link
color-dark | The headings and text color #000000 |
color-white | The headings and text color #ffffff |
link-white | The global link color #ffffff |
link-dark | The global link color #000000 |
link-grey | The global link color #cccccc |
has-dark-link | The text color in custom buttons (not hover) |
03. padding and margin
no-padding | padding:0px |
add-5 | padding:5px |
add-10 | padding:10px |
add-15 | padding:15px |
add-20 | padding:20px |
add-25 | padding:25px |
add-30 | padding:30px |
no-margin | margin:0 |
pull-top | margin-top:-15px |
pull-btm | margin-bottom:-15px |
04. alignment
hs-left | float:left |
hs-right | float:right |
hs-center | float:none |
text-left | text-align:left |
text-right | text-align:right |
text-center | text-align:center |
is--left | left-align (Flexbox) |
is--right | right-align (Flexbox) |
is--center | center-align (Flexbox) |
05. text size and font weight
size-11 | font-size:11px |
size-12 | font-size:12px |
size-13 | font-size:13px |
size-14 | font-size:14px |
size-15 | font-size:15px |
size-16 | font-size:16px |
size-17 | font-size:17px |
size-18 | font-size:18px |
size-19 | font-size:19px |
size-20 | font-size:20px |
size-25 | font-size:25px |
size-30 | font-size:30px |
has-large-text | font-size:300% (only desktop) |
has-large-mobile | font-size:300% (desktop & mobile) |
has-super-large-text | font-size:500% (only desktop) |
weight-300 | font-weight:300 |
weight-400 | font-weight:400 |
weight-500 | font-weight:500 |
weight-600 | font-weight:600 |
weight-700 | font-weight:700 |
weight-800 | font-weight:800 |
06. position
rel | position:relative |
absolute-top-left | position:absolute;top:0;left:0; |
absolute-top-right | position:absolute;top:0;right:0; |
absolute-btm-left | position:absolute;bottom:0;left:0; |
absolute-btm-right | position:absolute;bottom:0;right:0; |
fixed | position:fixed (used only for sticky elements in HTML) |
07. display desktop or mobile only
only-mobile | Display only for tablet and mobile |
only-mobile-phone | Display only for mobile |
hide-mobile | Display only for desktop |
hide-mobile-only | Display only for desktop and tablet |
08. hero overlay opacity
opacity-8 | opacity:0.8 |
opacity-6 | opacity:0.6 |
opacity-4 | opacity:0.4 |
opacity-2 | opacity:0.2 |
09. grid columns
col-12 | width: 100% |
col-11 | width: 91.66666667% |
col-10 | width: 83.33333333% |
col-9 | width: 75% |
col-8 | width: 66.66666667% |
col-7 | width: 58.33333333% |
col-6 | width: 50% |
col-5 | width: 41.66666667% |
col-4 | width:33.33333333% |
col-3 | width:25% |
col-2 | width:16.66666667% |
col-1 | width:8.33333333% |
col-0 | width:auto |
10. buttons
mid-round | border:none |
bg-round | border:1px solid #303030 |
ghost-dark | box-shadow: 0px 17px 35px rgba(74,74,115,0.1), 0px 5px 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.07) |
ghost-white | text-shadow: 2px 4px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.3) |
has-flat-style | box-shadow: 0 -3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) inset |
fullwidth-btn | width:100% |
small-btn | padding: 12px 25px |
large-btn | padding: 15px 55px |
11. mobile text size
m-size-11 | font-size:11px |
m-size-12 | font-size:12px |
m-size-13 | font-size:13px |
m-size-14 | font-size:14px |
m-size-15 | font-size:15px |
m-size-16 | font-size:16px |
m-size-17 | font-size:17px |
m-size-18 | font-size:18px |
m-size-19 | font-size:19px |
m-size-20 | font-size:20px |
m-size-25 | font-size:25px |
m-size-30 | font-size:30px |
m-size-35 | font-size:35px |
m-size-40 | font-size:40px |
m-size-45 | font-size:45px |
m-size-50 | font-size:50px |
m-size-55 | font-size:55px |
m-size-60 | font-size:60px |
13. mobile text size for inline styles
m-span-20 | font-size:20px |
m-span-25 | font-size:25px |
m-span-30 | font-size:30px |
m-span-35 | font-size:35px |
m-span-40 | font-size:40px |
m-span-45 | font-size:45px |
m-span-50 | font-size:50px |
m-span-55 | font-size:55px |
m-span-60 | font-size:60px |
The classes used only as variables and define the global section styles.
form-white | contact form for white background |
form-dark | contact form for dark background |
o-form | contact form for colored background (opacity) |
mid-round-btn | default Jimdo buttons with border-radius:5px |
round-btn | default Jimdo buttons with border-radius:500px |
dark-outline-btn | default Jimdo buttons with dark outlined styles |
white-outline-btn | default Jimdo buttons with white outlined styles |
color-hr | horizontal line with accent background color |
dark-hr | horizontal line with dark background color |
white-hr | horizontal line with white background color |
grey-hr | horizontal line with grey background color |
With the body classes you can change the global styles of a specific page ( Settings> Edit Head> Select a page)
no-hero | hide the hero image |
The classes available as Matrix variables and can be used only inside the Columns module
is-overlay | display the overlay widget |
is-overlay is-white | display the overlay widget with white caption background |
is-teaser | applied for Text with Photo module |
is-fullwidth | display fullwidth any Jimdo element |
hs-fullwidth | display the fullwidth background |